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The intercom is to be used only for official College messages. It may be used between 8:00 am and 10:30 pm. Please see a College Leader or staff member with regards to using the intercom.

Mail & Parcels

Incoming mail and parcels are placed in the Mail Room by College staff. Members are asked to check for mail and parcels regularly. Your key tag will allow you access to the Mail Room.

Mail should be addressed to

Your Name
C/- St Margaret's College
333 Leith Street
North Dunedin
Dunedin 9016

Stamped and addressed outgoing mail and prepaid courier parcels may be placed in/on the outgoing mailbox at the main door. Staff will empty the box daily during the week and take it to the University’s Mail Room for sending. This is a courtesy box only and staff assume no responsibility for mail placed in it.

Tampering with mail and parcels is a serious offence.

Announcements in the Norris Dining Hall

The Head of College, or in their absence a Deputy Head of College or a College Leader, gives Members an opportunity to announce notices during dinner just before karakia is said at 5:40 pm.


The noticeboards on the ground floor are only for the benefit of Staff and Members. Notices must conform to good taste. Any notice from an outside organisation must have approval from the Head of College, or Deputy Heads of College. The College is a home and we do not sell advertising space to outside groups. Noticeboards are also provided in floor kitchens.

Notices are not to be placed on walls, doors, or windows as they damage the paint or look unsightly.


Raftr is a private app used by the College for communication purposes with and amongst Members. At the beginning of the year, you will be asked to install the app on your devices and create an account. The College does not use any other social media for any regular communications with Members.

It is important that you check Raftr regularly as this is the primary place for College notices, information, and upcoming events and activities.